✓ We are committed to: - Comply with applicable Safety, Health, Environmental & Quality legislative and other requirements.
✓ We use resources responsibly and minimise or mitigate against environmental pollution, protection of the environment and degradation from occurring or recurring.
✓ The prevention of injury and ill health to our employees and surrounding communities.
✓ Develop the skills and knowledge for employees in all aspects of S.H.E.Q to perform their work more effectively.
✓ Provide adequate resources as far as reasonably practicable to improve our systems & performance and continually review & improve our business processes. – Maintain a S.H.E.Q management system .
✓ We Continuously engage and foster effective dialogue with both internal and external stakeholders & interested parties and work towards meeting their needs & expectations to ensure our organisation stays relevant in the marketplace.
✓ Strive at understanding specifications & requirements and exceed in the expectations of our clients.
✓ We ourself will set target for our continuous improvement.
✓ Consultation & participation of workers, and, where they exist worker’s representatives so as to encourage the promotion of S.H.E.Q responsibilities amongst all employees.
✓ Adopt a risk-based thinking approach to our processes and continually monitor & measure our S.H.E.Q performance, identify and report on opportunities for continual improvement.